Together, we offer trauma-sensitive spaces to explore the power and potential of storytelling, fostering both the curiosity of newcomers and the growth of seasoned storytellers looking to deepen their narrative skills.

Traumascapes x Tellmore

Collaborating to provide Creative Writing and Storytelling Workshops

The Multimedia Memoir Workshop

STRUCTURE: This course looks at how to synergistically combine written stories with visual and audio narratives. We meet once a week over 6 weeks to create a short film centering on a subject from our lives from start to finish. You will be guided through how to write a short autobiographical/autofictional story, how to design and create/curate a visual and audio narrative, and how to construct your story with a video editing skills tutorial. 

To ensure personalized attention, the group will be limited to six participants. Beginners are welcome to join—all the skills you need, you will learn.

WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP FOR & WHAT TO EXPECT: This workshop is for people who identify as trauma survivors interested in extending their writing and playing with form. We will watch, listen to, and experiment with various media forms and discuss how to determine the best ‘package’ for the stories from our lives. Through discussions, prompts, individual feedback, readings (and watchings and listenings), and low stake assignments, we will build towards creating a multimedia story that matters.

The themes, prompts, and activities will emphasise stories of empowerment, joy, pleasure, and personal power. Storytellers will be encouraged to find or create a personal story which may be directly from lived experience or an imagined world informed by lived experience and personal hopes and values. Though this workshop is for people who identify as trauma survivors, there is no expectation that participants disclose their traumatic experience or work on these as part of the workshop.

The curriculum is formed of invitations and all sharing is entirely optional. While we welcome storytellers to tell any story they want or need to tell as part of this workshop, we will not ask you to share any specific story. As facilitators, we will do our best to cultivate a culture of care and to protect safety and wellbeing, and we will expect all storytellers to help hold a mutually supportive space of storymaking for the entirety of the workshop.

After signing up, you will be sent an information packet including a loose agenda for the sessions. If you would like any additional information beforehand, please use the contact form to request it.

Upcoming events

  • Multimedia Memoir Workshop (Full) - In‑Person

    Saturdays, 10 AM - 1 PM GMT. Starting January 18th - February 22nd.

    Studio 421, Brickfields, 37 Cremer Street, London, E2 8HD.

  • Multimedia Memoir Workshop (Full) - Online

    Saturdays, 3PM- 6PM GMT / 10AM - 1PM EST

    Online. Meeting link after registration.

    Exact Dates TBD